Category Archives: Heavenly Images

I design these images and take most of my own photos, then overlay them with inspirational messages and Scripture. Feel free to share any you like!

Packaged ~ God’s Blessings Await



God has packaged blessings for us.
Each one meticulously crafted.
The markings of His favor etched all over them;
His love, folded into every detail.



Like a beautiful iris tucked neatly inside its bud,
Every aspect of the things God has planned for us
Await their revealing.
Thoroughly readied for us,
Anticipating our discovery.



It is easy to grow weary or doubtful, when all we see are the frayed edges of our promises.  While we wait, we cannot see what lies ahead and do not know all that God has planned.

Yet He whispers.  ‘Hold on, my beloved.
Don’t give up believing for the good things coming your way.’


 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him”
1 Corinthians 2:9


*In a previous post last year, I wrote about how my neighbor’s irises were lovely, while my beds had scanty blooms. See Brenda’s Irises.
Right after my neck surgery this year, though, God surprised me with a magnificent showing of my irises.  It was a very sweet blessing! 

God has so much in store and loves us more than we will ever know.
Let’s hold on like never before!


Benjamin's iris bud 2**BTW.  I continue to improve, but still struggle with excessive time on computers; hence, my infrequent posts.  I appreciate your prayers.  I do have much on my heart to share, and miss my photos and blogging.


Tiny Rosebud ~ Significant in God’s Eyes

Rosebud ~ ready to share its beauty

Rosebud ~ was scarcely an inch in length

Tiny rosebud
Open up please
Share your fragrant beauty
With desperate souls in need

One need not measure a rose to discover its beauty.  An insignificant rosebud is as capable of producing loveliness and a pleasing aroma, as is a lofty hybrid.  All needed is for it to open up and share.   

Do you feel like all you have left is a tiny fragment of usefulness in God’s kingdom? 

It is enough. 

When given in sincerity, God accepts the fragments of our lives.

He uses leftover pieces.  Seemingly insignificant people.  Tiny rosebuds.

All God requires is that we open our hearts to receive Him and then surrender to share His love.  The offering is not measured by the size of the gift; rather, our willingness to obey and to share Christ with others. 

It doesn’t matter if you feel insignificant.  As you faithfully spread the aroma of Christ to those around you, His beauty is what comes forth and is pleasing to the Father.  

As His child, you are significant in God’s eyes.

I love that about God, don’t you?  How much we matter to Him.

Rose bud 2“For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ”
2 Corinthians 2:15a

Follow the Moon Maker

I’m not being followed by a moonshadow; I’m following the moon Maker.

Follow Jesus.

Click on photo to enlarge. 

Feel free to share or use on other websites ~ no fee.  Just don’t use for commercial purposes or monetary gain.
Attribution back to this site would be nice, but not required.

© Sue Nash/2014

Focused on a Sunset ~ Surprised by God’s Glory

Sunset reflections

Sunset reflections

Right after my husband and I arrived at our recent Gulf Shores beach destination, we witnessed the most beautiful sunset.  The scattered clouds turned rosy from the sun’s glow, and their reflection in the gentle ebb of the tide was mesmerizing. 

Sunset glow

Sunset glow ~ my favorite of these sunset shots

I could focus on nothing else.

Sunset end ~  I liked how this shot showed the tide receding

Sunset end ~ I liked how this shot showed the tide receding

The scene was so mesmerizing, in fact, that I was unaware of something else going on behind me.

Our helpful fisherman ~ taken with a high ISO, making it look like daylight

Our helpful fisherman ~ taken with a high ISO, making it look like daylight

Had it not been for a nearby fisherman’s suggestion that I turn around, I might have missed a wonderful surprise.

Moonrise first glimpse

Moonrise first glimpse

Turning, I discovered yet another display of God’s glory.

The sun was gone and darkness had settled, as I caught my first glimpse of a brilliant, full moon rising on the opposite horizon.  Although I do not have a strong enough zoom to do it justice, the size and color of the moon against the then dusky blue sky was amazing.

Sometimes we get so focused on one thing or one problem that we miss something marvelous God is doing in another area of our lives.  We forget that behind the scenes, He is working tediously on prayer needs for which we have prayed fervently.

Like the fisherman had to get me to turn around to see the gorgeous moon, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to direct our focus from our limited view to the grand picture; of the spectacular things He is doing, often right before our eyes.  To see past the temporal to the eternal.

We need to ask God to show us His glory.

Show me Your glory
Exodus 33:18

I will share more moon shots in my next post. 

© Sue Nash/2014


Soar Into Places of Rest

Sunrise photo I took at GulfShores, Alabama

Sunrise photo I took at Gulf Shores, Alabama

Soar with Me into places of rest
Sing with Me unto joyous celest’
Step with me into palaces blessed
Stay with Me unto eternity’s breadth


“Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.
Psalm 55:6

As followers of Christ, we can enter into His rest anytime and anywhere.  However, we all have those times when we feel the need to get away from it all.  From the pressures and responsibilities.  My husband and I had a chance to do just that this past weekend, by spending time at the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama.  

I have written before about how much I love the ocean.  Walking beside it, and listening to the waves lapping against the shore, brings healing to my soul.  This weekend was no exception. 

As we were driving back home, I told my husband that I couldn’t remember a time that had felt so relaxing and enjoyable.  It was a sweet trip filled with special moments of spending time together and of rest. 

Since my camera and tripod were on my essentials pack list, I also spent time taking lots of photos.  When done sorting, I hope to share many of them with you soon. 

I captured the shot above on our last morning at the beach.  As I viewed the sunrise and saw the seagull flying gracefully towards the horizon, I thought of how I long to just soar away from all the problems of this life and enter into my heavenly rest. 

One glorious day, the Sun will rise in our eternal home and never set.  Oh, for that day!

© Sue Nash/2014

God’s Excellence in Clouds ~ A Photo Gallery

To observe God’s excellence, we need look no further than the clouds.
Strength ~ I loved the stark contrasts in these clouds; gave them a look of strength

Strength ~ I loved the stark contrasts in these clouds; gave them a look of strength

Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds
Psalm 68:34

Numbered ~ these clouds almost reminded me of a checkerboard pattern

Numbered ~ these clouds almost reminded me of a checkerboard pattern; can you count them?

Who can number the clouds in wisdom?
Job 38:37

Poised ~ this iPhone photo I took a few days ago showed a cloud front, poised for a change in weather

Poised ~ this iPhone photo I took a few days ago showed a cloud front, poised for a change in weather

Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?
Job 37:16

Presence ~ taken last summer, an example of the ominous storm fronts that build suddenly in Mississippi

Presence ~ taken last summer, an example of the ominous storm fronts that build suddenly in Mississippi

Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced, with hailstones and bolts of lightning.
Psalm 18:12

Upward ~ when seeing these billowy clouds like these, I can't help but think of God's faithfulness

Upward ~ when seeing billowy clouds like these, I can’t help but think of God’s faithfulness

For your steadfast love is great above the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Psalm 108:4

Which one is your favorite?  I would love to know! 

Sue Nash/2014

Winter Scenes ~ Snowy Landscapes

A little creek bed draining into a small lake near my home.

A little creek bed that drains into a small lake near my home

I took many photos on our snow days this past week.  Thought I would share some landscapes today, then feature others later.

Same creek ~ vertical angle which shows the reflections better

Same creek ~ vertical angle, which shows the reflections better

Some of you live in areas that get tons of snow, but this is about as much as we get here in Mississippi!

A pond at a park in town

A pond at a local park

I might add Scripture to one or more of these later.  If I do, which one of these do you like the best?

This one was a little underexposed, but is probably my favorite of the landscapes

This one was a little underexposed, but is probably my favorite of the landscapes

“He directs the snow to fall on the earth
and tells the rain to pour down.”
Job 37:6

Sue Nash/2014

The Real No Spin Zone

The Real No Spin ZoneStanding before God’s throne: the real no spin zone.

When we stand before God one day, we will be without excuse.  At that point, all that will matter is whether we truly know Jesus as Lord.

When God opens the Lamb’s Book of Life, will He find your name? 

“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened…”
Revelation 20:12

Sue Nash/2014

God is Faithful ~ Don’t Give Up

God is Faithful ~ Don't Give UpRemember scratch art?

There are kits today, but when I was a child, we would create our own.  It took a while to first scribble-fill the blank paper with a layer of assorted crayon colors, then to cover the entire sheet with another layer of solid black.

After all the hard work of filling the page with the double layers, you then used a pointed object to gently scratch off parts of the top, in whatever letters or shapes desired.  The colors underneath would pop out, making the scratched image brilliantly visible.

Tucked beneath the surface, and only clear after scraping, are the beautiful color schemes you worked so hard to create.  The scratching revealed that much had been going on behind the scenes.

Sometimes we get impatient when waiting on God’s promises.  During those times when our prayers seem to go unanswered or His promises seem to take too long in fulfillment, it is easy to give up hope.

However, we must never forget that even though we cannot always see progress, God is faithful to fulfill His promises.  Behind the scenes, He is working diligently.  Underneath the thick layer of our circumstances, He is designing a magnificent finished work of art.

We need only trust in God’s faithfulness.  And never give up believing.

Great is Thy faithfulness
Lamentations 3:23

Sue Nash/2013

The Flowers Fade ~ Daylilies on Display

Yellow brown daylilyWith the onset of Fall, most of my Summer flowers have either faded or withered away.

Orange daylily I thought I would share some photos of daylilies from this past season.

Peach daylilyMost of my daylilies were given to me as transplants from friends.

Yellow daylilyEvery time I see them bloom, I think of the person who shared them with me.

Purple daylilySince daylily blooms are so short-lived, I also think of the familiar passage from Isaiah 40:8 ~

Double yellow daylilyThe grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.
Perhaps in heaven, daylily blooms will last forever!

A nice companion post to my daylily flowers is over at A Woman Like Me ~ My Lilies

Sue Nash/2013