
Jim and Sue Christmas 2012 for blog

27 wonderful years!
And counting on many more!

Heavenly raindrops was inspired when as a child I loved sitting alone in a car on a rainy day, listening to the soothing, splattering drops pelting the car and watching mesmerized as they formed puddles on the ground. It was during those special moments away from the clamber of life, I could most clearly hear God’s voice. The memory of these times alone with Him will always be a treasure.

Now, as an adult, I still love finding time to tune into what God is saying. Unlike when I was young, though, I have found that He speaks any time of the day or night. He speaks best when I listen and when I stay in His Word. But His Words spoken to my heart still remind me of those raindrops: they fall into my heart and fill me with blessings that bring that same feeling I had when alone with Him as a child, watching and listening to raindrops from above.

What He inspires, I blog to hopefully bless others. Though I love to write, I am foremost a wife to the most wonderful husband, a mother and a part-time nurse. I hope what defines my life, though, is that I am known as someone who deeply loves the King of Kings and whose life reflects Him more and more every day.


Sue Nash

Footnote: All of the writings on this blog are by me and protected unless stated otherwise. I welcome feedback via comments. Thanks!

142 thoughts on “About

  1. Pastor Roland Ledoux

    This is a comment I am giving to ALL the past WP Blogs I used to follow and the links I used to post because of your site. I am the Pastor of Oasis Bible Ministry and I have been away from WordPress for about a year to 14 months. Due to health and computer problems both, I had to quit for a while, but the Lord has been speaking to my heart to get back and do what HE asked me to do. So, I am in the process of doing a new blog, “For the Love of God” under the outreach of Oasis Bible Ministry.

    I am sorry for not being able to let anyone know until now, but I do apologize as so many of you had visited and of course, through that, the Holy Spirit led me to your sites. One of the reasons, I am writing a letter as a form for all, is because I am going through the links I have from before and with your permission, posting them on my blog on a links page. Some of you may already be in the “Blogs I Follow” section, but since it only holds 50 and I like so many more, I thought it is only fitting to make a separate page for the rest of the blogs I like.

    I believe in Body Ministry and gifts that the Holy Spirit equips everybody who calls Christ Jesus Lord, and therefore, it is only fitting to let others see what the Holy Spirit is doing in other areas of His Church. Please believe me; this is NOT an attempt to draw anyone back. That is between the person and the Lord. He called me to do what I do as He called each of you. I just have to do what He says, it is up to Him to draw people to His Word as He gifts me.

    Again, sorry for the inconvenience of those who followed me and then ended up with a “blank gravatar” for I do sincerely apologize. But, I do sincerely pray God’s richest blessings on each of you AND if per chance, you do NOT want me to post your link, I will remove it per your wishes. Again, thanks AND again, God bless you!

  2. Valerie Rutledge

    Hey Sue, I know I was following your blog and was wondering why your posts weren’t showing up in my reader feed, I hope this hasn’t happened with any of my other blog friends! At any rate, following you again! Blessings!

      1. Valerie Rutledge

        So sorry to hear that. I’m sure it’s discouraging for you. I know I get pretty down when life interferes with doing something I love. Prayers for you physically & emotionally!

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      I appreciate the nomination so much, but unfortunately do not post or participate in awards at this time. I hope that doesn’t offend you, because it really does mean a lot that you thought of me! Blessings and thanks

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      Oh, thank you Veena. Unfortunately, I still don’t participate or post awards at this time. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness very much, though, and hope you are
      Not offended by my refusal. Blessings, much!


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