Monthly Archives: July 2014

Fathoms of Hopefulness ~ Update on Me and Jim

Photo taken by Jim, of a rainbow he saw while on a trip with the plane.

Photo taken by Jim, of a rainbow he saw while on a trip.  There is bright sunshine and a rainbow ahead!

Points of hopelessness
Dots of despair
Junctures of painfulness
Spots of heightened care

Inklings of uneasiness
Moments of tears
Situations of dreadfulness
Nights of worrisome fears

I thought it was finally time to update my readers on me and my husband.

Yes, you read correctly.  Me and my husband.

Prior to my neck surgery, I described it as another bend in the road with my health.  I never dreamed that during my recovery, my husband was also going to face a health challenge; one that nearly took his life.

My recovery is progressing well, but was more difficult than I anticipated, due to a 6 week complication of my lower spine deteriorating from being off NSAIDs.  Things finally turned around to where I went back to work part-time; however, I’ve experienced some dips with my neck, from the added stress about Jim.  Overall, though, God is keeping me strong and moving things along!

Jim’s struggle has been a huge bend in the road.

What started with some testing to decide the source of a fever and abnormal blood values, turned into a succession of two prolonged hospitalizations for him, including three days in ICU, after nearly bleeding to death from complications following a liver biopsy.  He is in the hospital still.

At this point, what we know from the testing is that he has an inflammatory, treatable condition of the liver. Unfortunately, he also needs surgery to remove his spleen and we will then know the cause of the enlargement of that organ.  He also has an underlying secondary infection, but it is responding to treatment. 

The bottom line is that my sweet husband is a very sick man, but God is guiding his team of specialists toward finding answers, and they feel as though he will soon experience restored health. He longs to return to his job as a jet pilot. 


Throughout my journey with my neck surgery, I admit that there were extremely painful moments and dots of despair, times wondering if I made the right decision.  Times of questioning whether I would fully recover.

However, going through this harrowing experience, of nearly losing the love of my life, was worse.  There were absolutely situations filled with dread and plenty of tears.  There were long nights of sitting upright in waiting rooms, praying against worrisome fears.

Here is the good news:

Throughout it all, God did and continues to show Himself mighty.  He performed a wondrous deliverance by saving Jim’s life.  How we praise Him!

As promised, He never left us alone and is still our Shelter in the midst of the storm.

More than anything, I’ve discovered afresh and anew how much I need and can depend upon Jesus.

Friends, as humans we sometimes cower in discouragement or fear, but we need not.  We can instead experience:

Fathoms of hopefulness
Loads of comfort near
Plateaus of healing
Showers of blessings dear

Provision of peacefulness
Interludes of joyful cheer
Strengthening of trustfulness
Manifestations of God’s power clear

God is greater than our mountainous obstacles. With His help, we will make it through.  Because of Christ, we know with certainty that our future is secure in Him.  We have fathoms of hopefulness!

I pray that you have all been well.  I miss reading your posts and interacting through blogging, but my husband needs me more.

Jim and I both covet your prayers.  We would also love to know of any ways in which we could pray for you.

As always, blessings