Life Song ~ This is My Story

Daisy ~ a perfect picture of praise.  This is my favorite of the daisy photos I took recently.

Daisy ~ a perfect picture of praise. This is my favorite of the daisy photos I took recently.

I am not sure where I first heard of picking a song and a verse that best describes you.  As soon as I heard about this concept, though, I knew instantly which song and verse to choose.  Today, I will post my Life Song and then tomorrow, my verse.

Blessed Assurance is not only my favorite of the old hymns, but characterizes how I long to live ~ praising my Savior all the day long, knowing Jesus is mine.  It is how I would want the story of my life recorded.  That, no matter the difficulties, God’s praise is on still my lips.  I know that I am not even close to fulfilling this, but it is my heart’s desire.

As to the photos, daisies just seemed to fit this idea of praise.  Petals spread wide, with their golden crown of praise lifted high.  I hope that you enjoy the photos, and revisiting this old song that I have chosen to represent my life song.

Fanny Crosby, the writer of this classic hymn, was no stranger to hardships.  Rendered blind as an infant by an accident, she suffered the loss of her father when young, and then her only child, who died not long after birth.  At the age of eight, she wrote this poem, which ended up being the testimonial of her life:

Oh, what a happy soul am I.
Although I cannot see.
I am resolved that in this world
Contented I will be.
How many blessings I enjoy
That other people don’t!
To weep and sigh because I’m blind,
I cannot, and I won’t!
(by Fanny Crosby)

Given the difficulties she faced, I don’t know if I would have had this attitude.  God knows what we can bear, though, and never gives us more than that.  I pray that as each day passes, I draw closer to modeling a life like hers, one bringing glory to God by praising my Savior all the day long.

This is My Story
My neighbors daisies are loaded with beautiful blooms

My neighbor’s daisy patch is loaded with beautiful blooms!

Blessed Assurance
as sung by Alan Jackson

1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of his Spirit, wash’d in his blood.

2. Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight:
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

3. Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Savior am happy and blest:
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Fill’d with his goodness, lost in his love.

What some call simple beauty, others characterize as exquisite.

What some call simple beauty, others characterize as exquisite.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Do you have a Life Song?
I would love to know what it is and why you chose it.

Sue Nash/2013

24 thoughts on “Life Song ~ This is My Story

  1. Karina Susanto

    Dear Sue,
    One of my Favorite Hymn song is ” Great is Thy Faithfulness. And I ever post about this song 🙂 His Faithfulness always be with me even in my difficult times.

  2. Sarah

    Beautiful writing, beautiful pictures, beautiful life song! 🙂

    Mine would be a song called Count it All Joy, by Carol Pack. I grew up singing it from a very young age, and still single of its lines regularly to this day! My favorite line being, “Count it all joy when you are tried and tested, for the trying of your faith will work patience in your soul.” It was a simple song, obviously based in scripture! But it’s been the one that’s stuck with me all these years.

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      Sarah, I don’t think I have ever heard that song, but would love it if you knew a link. I googled it but couldn’t find it. A message I need to hear every day, to count it all joy. Thanks so much for introducing me to this song, and thanks for sharing! Blessings, Sue

      1. Sarah

        Well, she used to be one of the worship leaders at a church years ago. So her CD isn’t out for sale…not a major record label situation. It was for sale online a few years ago, but I can’t find it anymore. I have the CD in our collection, maybe I can figure it how to put it up on YouTube. If I figure it out, I will let you know! 🙂 She’s got a folky kind of sound to her music. I just loved everything she ever sang!

      2. heavenlyraindrops Post author

        She sounds great. Some of my favorite singers have never made it to the ‘big time’ but have simply been worship leaders at church. God uses them in our lives in big ways. Don’t go to trouble but if you do get it up online let me know. Thanks.

  3. Teri Metts

    Beautiful daisy photos!!! I’ve never stopped to think about whether I have a life song, but this post caused me to stop and think. Two songs with similar themes immediately came to mind: Just Give Me Jesus and I’d Rather have Jesus. He really is what life is all about!!

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      Yes, amen to that, Teri. I think this was popular a few years back, the idea of having a life song and verse. I love both of those songs you chose, Teri. thanks for sharing. Hope you have been enjoying those grandkids. We are going to see several of ours next month: cannot wait!

  4. Heidi Viars

    Marvelous pictures, dear friend!!! You have me singing and now thinking. I will pray for God to show me. Thanks for always pointing us to the Lord and His heart for us. Be blessed, Sue, as you sing along on your path today and be a joyful song to someone you meet 🙂

  5. vonhonnauldt

    Thank you for this wonderful post. I’d read the poem from Fanny Crosby a long time ago and was enthralled with its tone and faith. Thank you for printing it so I could write it down. I’m 9 times as old as she was when she wrote it and she was far beyond where I am now.

    As for life songs, I don’t know that I have a favorite one. I like the old hymns, but then I’m old. 🙂 Perhaps my favorite is Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” I know, not exactly singable, but I choke up every time I hear it. “Hallelujah, hallelujah, for the LORD God omnipotent reigneth….”

    Thanks again for this and the beautiful pictures, and God’s best to you, dear sister.

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      What a wonderful song, even just now when you mentioned it I got teary. We had a gal at our church that could just nail that song, but since moved on to another fellowship. Whenever she sang it, I always felt as though I wished we could just jump right up to heaven then and there. Thanks so much for sharing. BTW, if you are old for loving the old hymns, then so am I!! Blessings

  6. Especially Made

    I love how you described the daisy as a picture of praise to the Creator. As for the song, so many to pick. “My Jesus, I Love Thee” has always been one of my favorites and the song I walked down the aisle to during my wedding. But as soon as I submit this comment, I know I’ll think of 10 more songs. 🙂

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      Ha! yes, that’s how it is with favorite songs. What a lovely tune to use at your wedding. I’m sure that He smiled as you walked down that isle. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

  7. Rene Yoshi

    Gorgeous photos! I’ll have to give my ‘life song’ some thought, but the first hymn that pops into my head is Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, which is like a prayer and speaks of being sought by the Lord when a stranger, of His mercy and grace even in the midst of my being prone to wander, and of the blessed day we’ll be delivered from sin forever. \(^_^)/

    1. heavenlyraindrops Post author

      I love that song. Come Thou fount of our blessing. A terrific song for a life verse, even though I suspect we all have more than just one! BTW. You got me singing that song now! Blessings, Rene, and thanks for sharing.

  8. Rob Barkman

    Both “This is my Story” and “Blessed Assurance” are not only beautiful but filled with truth as well. My favorite part of “Blessed Assurance” is “Perfect submission, all is at rest,
    I in my Savior am happy and blest:”

    What a blessing when we know our hearts are right with the Lord and we are counting His blessings!

    Thanks for sharing the photos and songs. Lord bless you, Sue

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